20:45 on Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Help! I can`t hit the high notes. my band director tells me to tighten my lips but that was as tight as i could get it. Pleese help
Re: Emergency
21:20 on Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Just relax! Any tension in your body will be detrimental to high end playing. Focus it all into the diaphram. In general your director is right but it sounds like your corners need strengthening. The best and easiest way I find to do this (although it can be extremly boring)is playing 5-10mins of long tone G (second line) without relaxing your chops for more than a second. To begin with, your lips will burn like hell after a minute, but after a week of doing this exersise your corners will have improved and you will have the required strength to extend your range. How high are you talking? A word of warning,: if you are just starting out, dont push it! You will do more harm than good.....Muscles need to learn. Hope it helps
Re: Emergency
23:01 on Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Also do a lot of long tones before going to the high notes.
what works for me is pulling my chops downward when playing the high notes and don`t forget to blow more air at faster rate.
My upper lip over laps the bottom lip just a little and this works good for me.
It took me a long time to play the High G and High B so it will take practice.
Good Luck