Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
15:32 on Monday, January 10, 2005
P.S. I believe a player in Kansas City is up to seven octaves on the tuba now....
is tuba harder to play then trumpet
01:52 on Monday, January 24, 2005
i would have to say tuba is harder. evidence: where i come from trumpets are taught to 10yr olds where tuba is only taught to thirteen yr olds after 2 yrs of training on another instrument. On the other hand though it is harder for trumpet players to get over their egos and get to the real music, in my experience.
Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
21:19 on Tuesday, January 25, 2005
They,re both easy I play the flute
Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
21:22 on Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I think that they are at the same difficulty level. I started on trumpet and my teacher asked me to switch over to the tuba. I`m pretty good on both of my instruments.
Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
21:29 on Tuesday, January 25, 2005
I think that the trumpet is harder to play than the tuba. I started on the trumpet and switched to the tuba for band needs. I told my teacher that if I switched she would have to allow me to play in the jazz band. That is the whole reason as to why I joined band. My lips get tired more easily on the trumpet. But it takes more air to play the tuba. I am known as "The Beast" in marching band. I can outplay the entire band by myself. I`m very proud of that fact. But I would reccomend either instrument. I love them both .
Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
19:50 on Monday, February 7, 2005
i have played trumpet and tuba and tuba is eaiser but takes more lung capacity then trumpet
Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
22:51 on Tuesday, February 8, 2005
The Tuba is way harder to play! You have to loosen your lips so much to play any note. With trumpet u have a much tigher amisher than any tiba note!
Re: is Tuba harder to play than trumpet
16:59 on Sunday, February 13, 2005
Actually, if you know how to play the trumpet well, and THEN try tube, its a little hard with the notes, but it REALLY helps your breathing. This is becuase with a Tuba you need lots of air, and you can`t just suck in little bits at a time, you need full length breaths, and lots of times you don`t have them. It also helps playing FF, and sometimes I now find myself with TO MUCH air when playing the Trumpet. Anyways, the Tuba is fairly similar, just in a different range(clef).
tuba rocks
18:52 on Tuesday, November 1, 2005
lets put it this way, while the trumpets is an orcheastra have to play a third of a range in their parts, each of the trumpets can specialize in low middle or high the tuba has to play its whole range because there is only one this is a range from Subcontra C to small a, or a little shy of 4 octaves