Zeus Trumpets
Zeus Trumpets
23:50 on Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Has anyone here ever played a Zeus trumpet? I am especially interested in the Olympus horn. Let me know what you think about it, and if you don`t know, check the website at: http://zacharymusic.com/Zachary_Music/NewTrumpets.htm
I am interested in a large horn like the Olympus, and any feedback would be nice.
Re: Zeus Trumpets
14:01 on Wednesday, August 18, 2004
(John Talbert)
I play ZeuS exclusively now and I own the Olympus model. This horn is absolutely a dream to play. It is so open in the upper register and with the extra large bell it projects very well. I was a little concerned with the .470 bore as the largest I have played on before was the .468 Ferguson horn, but it just takes a little getting used to much the same as the Ferguson horn. The cost was minimal I feel for the quality it really is. I realize this is a new breed of horn and not widely recognized at this point but I took the chance and I will never go back. I would honestly classify it with other custom horns such as Taylor, Callet, etc. It produces a very nice velvety dark, full sound in all registers. It is a demanding horn, so it will take a little getting used to, but tale the plunge, you`ll be glad you did.
Re: Zeus Trumpets
02:37 on Thursday, August 19, 2004
Never played one, but supposed to be a good horn. Olympus will test your stamina by the sounds of it.