Airy tone (Braces)
01:32 on Monday, December 13, 2004
Hey im a freshman in highschool and have been playing trumpet since 5th grade. I have had braces on since before i started trumpet, and still have them on(5 years, pretty dumb). I have learned how to play with them on and never experienced playing without braces. I can go up to a high E above high C. And I recently started high school band. 82 minutes a day for band. Playing pretty hard too. Right after the start of this year my tone got very airy and i couldnt play as high anymore, (Only high C after 45 mins of practice). Is it just because of my increase in playing during school? Also I am getting my braces off in a couple months. Will it help, or make me horrible?
Re: Airy tone (Braces)
01:54 on Monday, December 13, 2004
Also, how could i improve this airy tone (excercise etc.)?
Re: Airy tone (Braces)
02:24 on Monday, December 13, 2004
When you get eh braces off, you will suck. When I got my braces off (`93) I could barely eak out a note. It will take a couple weeks before you are able to get back to a playable condition and a few more before you are used to it and comfortable again. Take it easy for awhile after you get them off.
Re: Airy tone (Braces)
19:29 on Monday, December 13, 2004
what? a couple of weeks? whoa. it`s different for everyone. when i had my braces on, i used a brace cover because they kept hurting the inside of my mouth. i had no problem at all playing the day i got my braces off except for them hurting a little but that goes away in a few days.