hiting the notes
15:18 on Wednesday, January 12, 2005
hey yall
I have been playin for a year and a half now and they finaly let me in the pep band. Well in the star spangle banner we have to hit the g above the staf. Well usually I can hit hte e above the staf but it seems like everytime I play at a game I cant hit the g. So I was wondering if yall got any suggestions????:-)
Thanks in advance
Re: hiting the notes
16:18 on Thursday, January 13, 2005
I`m assuming its just because you get tired out before the G. Try starting at a Low C, and holding it out until you cant any more, then do the same with a d, then e, and so on until you can`t any more. Thats great practice to improve range and endurance.
relax, don`t blow hard, etc.
16:26 on Thursday, January 13, 2005
A couple of things are likely happening.
You may be tired, like the poster above described. That could come about by just trying to play too loud. Play at the same level that you would any other time and you will last longer.
You may just be excited as well, and part of that excitement comes across through tension in your lips. You tense up, no vibrations happen and the note doesn`t speak. Try to relax and play normally.
Overblowing and tightness will kill your range. Ironic how it seems that we can play better at the top of our range by relaxing and playing at a reasonable volume.
Re: hiting the notes
00:18 on Wednesday, January 19, 2005
thanks yall I got a game in a day and I fell really confedent
Re: hiting the notes
19:44 on Saturday, January 22, 2005
well, if ur still chekin on ur post then the advice i can give u is, just keep practising. Hold a G for 4 beats, then move up a tone, then up a tone, then up a tone. Until u cant go any further. Kepp doing it till ur lips cant play n-e-more. Each day strive for the next highest note. U`ll develop an awesome range, i did it and i can hit the triples
keep swingin