Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!

Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    12:01 on Monday, February 7, 2005          
(Aaron Swenson)
Posted by Archived posts

I recently got a BL4 lead trumpet Monette mouthpiece but i have a bach stad. horn. This weekend i was at a jazz contest and was told by another trumpet player that ran the clinic that there was a gap problem with the mouthpiece and the trumpet.The mouthpiece does not go into the lead pipe as far as another mouthpiece should and leaves a tiny gap between the mouth piece and the wall of the lead pipe. Which creates large problems after relizing the issue because i don`t want to spend the money to get a Conn Vintage One Trumpet (the mouthpiece fits perfect in these) but also love the new mouthpiece and want to keep using it. Is there a place that i could trade and pay the diffrence for a new Conn Vintage One? or does anyone have any other advice that would be helpful i would appreciate any help anyone has! thanks alot!

Re: Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    21:53 on Monday, February 7, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I doubt there is much of a problem, since many people play that setup, but if you really wanted, you could get the mouthpiece reciever on your horn gapped and reamed out.

Re: Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    17:23 on Sunday, February 13, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i wouldnt worry about the gap, i`ve played monette mouthpieces for 3 years now and the gap with all my horns is a little different, check intonation with a tuner chromatically from low c to tuning c and if response is ok then dont worry about the gap.

Re: Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    13:43 on Monday, February 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

If its bugging you that bad you could have the reciever shifted up or down. Im not sure what the problem is exactly but im sure if you took it to a shop they would know what to do. Just tell them you want the reciever moved for that MPC.

:NOTE: Doing so would mean that only that MPC will fit that horn. You will create a similar problem with other MPC`s.

So if you love that MPC over all and think that the gap is hurting your sound, and you dont want to get a new horn......Its up to you.

Re: Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    13:44 on Monday, February 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Oh hey i forgot to read the other posts!!!!!!!!sry......<----donkey

Re: Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    13:53 on Monday, February 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

throw your trumpet against a garage door

Re: Mouthpiece/ horn trouble HELP!    11:06 on Thursday, February 24, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Just forget about this gap. It`s only a problem that happens in your head. Just keep free blowing through your horn and don`t think about it!


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