18:20 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
what is a normal range for someone playing a little over 5 years?
Re: range?????
20:38 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
Re: range?????
16:50 on Friday, March 4, 2005
Hmmm, well that depends.
There is no "normal range" because it depends on your practicing technique, your determination, and wether or not you are playing the damn thing right. But for me... 5 years would have been umm... when I was 10, so about 6th grade, I could play a High C (2 lines above staff on the line) But, I also had private lessons since I was 6, my dad was determined to make me a virtuoso, and I think I am well on my way. Dont worry about it man, it doesnt matter how high you can play, but how well you play. The notes will come with time, just practice. Good luck
Re: range?????
13:06 on Sunday, March 6, 2005
(cornet player)
What do you mean with `range`? What the highest note is you can play? (excuse me, I am not English or wathever, so I speak English not VERY well)
But I can say you: it doesn`t matter at all how high you can play, when you play just 5 years. Then it matters or you play with feeling and things like that. All right, it is nice when you can play high, but is not the only thing in the world, remember that.