Rhythm Reading

Rhythm Reading    22:46 on Saturday, September 29, 2007          

(2 points)
Posted by Crucifixion

My weakest point in music is rhythm reading. How do I improve this? Whenever I approach a piece of music I try to play it by feel. I don't count as I'm playing. I mean, I do sometimes attempt to count while playing my instruments but when I do it only messes me up. Are there any free software programs out there that could help me with my rhythm reading?

Re: Rhythm Reading    07:23 on Sunday, September 30, 2007          

(241 points)
Posted by Mozarteress

No. Just put in the work and go back to counting the notes. If it messes you up that's because your just not used to it and out of practise.

Re: Rhythm Reading    23:01 on Friday, October 19, 2007          


Don't mind me, I'm just trying to rack up some points. While I'm here though, crusifixin, start out with whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes. Also, my user name is jesus...ect. yru crusificxion?

Re: Rhythm Reading    17:12 on Friday, October 26, 2007          

(13 points)
Posted by Chirping_Glory

It's just simple math -- fractions, if you will. Metronomes are wonderful things -- slow down the rythms, count them out, figure where the beats are in relation to the rhythms. That's key. If it's a really complicated rythm, it may take a little thought and some clapping and chanting and stomping, but whatever works, works. I recall a day when my high school band teacher had the whole band marching in time around in circles and counting the beat while clapping a hemiola. I've never forgotten how to do a hemiola after that. Ever.

(ONE la LEE two LA lee...)


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