Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:03 on Wednesday, February 18, 2009          

(903 points)
Posted by Canadian

Wow, lots of busy musicians here! I'm going to rent a piccolo soon! Probably the Yamaha YPC 32 as there is no really other option. It's going to be fun though. We are playing the Barber of Seville in Orchestra! It's so fun!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    16:44 on Thursday, February 19, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

that's so cool! ugh i was sitting around in the band room after skool today and there was a newbie picc, she was horrible... i wanted to cut my ears off!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:43 on Thursday, February 19, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Oh gosh. Whatever will you do?
Wait it out, I guess.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    15:03 on Saturday, February 21, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

ha, the kid i like is in band,my friend and I purposfully go into the band room every morning. even tho we have to go put our instruments in there anyways, but still... It makes me laugh because he is totally oblivious to the fact i like him, and I don't think its hard to tell that i do:D

I just love the drama of our love lives. I think its so dramatic because no one really has one.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:36 on Sunday, February 22, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

omg i'm totally the same! i even go to the band room on days i don't band to see him. lol he also doesn't know i like him... it kinda sux.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:05 on Sunday, February 22, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Man, this is way entertaining.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:42 on Monday, February 23, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

lol of course it is! or were u being sarcastic... ? i'm so not good at that stuff! :D

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:51 on Monday, February 23, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

No, I was serious. It's entertaining to watch this kind of stuff when it's not happening to you.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:33 on Monday, February 23, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

ha i agree. I don't really care if the guy I like knows or not because I don't date yet so whats the point of freaking him out for no reason:D

Ha. the best is that I sent this totally random candy gram to him (it had these ridiculous song lyrics i wrote in it. it said something about heart breaking, etc.) and he totally has no idea i sent it. I love it, because he was totally freaked out and my friends are my secret spies (one has a locker next to his, other in his 7th period) and tell me his reactions:D HAHAHAHa!

I'm evil. I'm probably doomed to remain single for the rest of my life:D

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:36 on Monday, February 23, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

oh man, this is totally random, but im doing my science homework, and I put one of the sentences into a spanish/english translator thing. And it said "... puree from the Pope" ha. Great. Cuz papa is potato and Pope.

I am just too easily entertained.


oh. and i wasn't doing my science homework. I was doing my spanish. I always confuse those words (maybe because they're both my least favorite classes?)

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:15 on Monday, February 23, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

me gusta mucho la clase de espanol lol

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    11:36 on Tuesday, February 24, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

You LIKE Spanish class? We don't have any good Spanish teachers at my school.

Oh, and I'm staying home sick today.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    16:00 on Tuesday, February 24, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

yeah I like spanish class! I'm in spanish II this year and I'm going to take spanish III next year!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:55 on Tuesday, February 24, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

i dont mind spanish. we just have this crazy teacher. ick

im sorry ur sick. i hate being sick, today i sounded like a frog cuz i lost my voice

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:01 on Tuesday, February 24, 2009          

(157 points)
Posted by AK42

I've been stuck with the same mean spanish teacher for TWO YEARS IN A ROW!!! GAH!!!

And I can't seem to beat this sore throat...


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