Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:35 on Tuesday, February 24, 2009          

(903 points)
Posted by Canadian

J'aime beacoupe la classe de francais. C'est tres fantasique. Est-ce que vous prennez l'espangol?

Ahah, my bad french. Oh well, I hope someone understands.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    14:09 on Wednesday, February 25, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

I wish i could take french, they dont offer it here till high school.
I called my mom today after band to come get me from school cuz i feel horrible. uggggg

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    12:25 on Thursday, February 26, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

We only have spanish as a foreign language class. If we had french I would take that instead of spanish, but I like spanish.

I'm home today because of a snow day! We've gotten like a foot of snow since this morning.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    16:35 on Thursday, February 26, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

ug. we could get 3 feet (maybe even more) of snow and still have to go to school.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:10 on Thursday, February 26, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

thats how my school normally is. I was really surprised when I woke up and found it was cancelled. This is like our 4th snow day this year!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    20:21 on Thursday, February 26, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Maybe the plows were out of commission or something. But lucky you.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:09 on Thursday, February 26, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

haha they never plow anywhere in my town until the next day or even the day after that. It's kind of a pain because its hard to get out of our driveway even!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    16:34 on Friday, February 27, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

*singing random songs from random musicals*

"Well someone has to strike a pose and bear the weight of well-tailored clothes"

"no mans worth the aggravation, that's ancient history been there done than
whodya think ur kiddin hes the earth and heaven to ya try to keep it hidden..."

can anyone guess those songs... haha. they're totally random:D

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:04 on Saturday, February 28, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

me neither, and I listen to the broadway channel on the radio! lol

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:23 on Saturday, February 28, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Ha, yeah don't ask me. Not a clue about those songs.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:37 on Sunday, March 1, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

lol no, i definetly do not know those songs. i bet no one can guess wat musical this is from tho: "Some men are born to live in ease, doing what they please richer than the bees are in honey..."

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    14:57 on Monday, March 2, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

ha. the first one is from Scarlet Pimpernel, "The Creation of Man"

and the second is from a disney classic, HERCULES!!! dun dun dun dun! It's "I Won't Say I'm in Love"

haha. totally random.

today i am sick. again. and i am missing my oboe lessons

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:15 on Monday, March 2, 2009          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

flutieplaya1 -
This will show my age true as the sky is blue.
But that is easy,
It's from Godspell isn't it?

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:14 on Monday, March 2, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

iluvoboe565- lol nice. i'm srry ur sick.

Johnlovemusic- OMGOODNESS YES! that's sooo weird! but yeah, that's wat it's from.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:30 on Monday, March 2, 2009          

(1279 points)
Posted by JOhnlovemusic

Yes, well it was very popular in 70's and we sang selections from it in just about every choir I sang in. Day by Day was probably the most popular of all the songs.

Don't ask me about any of the new musicals though. I'll know Pippen and Wicked but that's it.


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