Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:42 on Thursday, March 26, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

Canadian: haha it was fun, but it was hard, i suck at swimming...

iluvoboe: o im srry bout the reaction. OMG! the same thing happened to me! it was all nice and warm (like 70 freakin degrees) and then there was a BIG snowstorm! i was sooo mad!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:11 on Thursday, March 26, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

I was at at a music thing last weekend and got stranded there an extra night because of the snow! Then it started to flood so we had to drive home the next day, and it was blizzarding! Its been snowing pretty much all day too. I want it to be spring!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    16:32 on Friday, March 27, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565


you know what. i think randomly

we got our report cards for 3rd term today... haha. I had a 4.0 again, but my citizen ship was ?able:D i had all h (honor, best grade) cept for 1 g ( good, 2nd best) and an S ( satisfactory... its right in the middle) in band:D and then like the comment spot where they have like all the letters that mean different things? ya in band I had a U for disruptive behavior. I swear Im not disruptive!

anyways. that was totally rambling and crazy.

today we had to run our first mile for gym. running the mile in gym isnt that big of a deal for me cuz im a long-distance runner, but this morning it was COLD! i had a sweatshirt, sweatpants and gloves on. my eyes almost started bleeding and my nose hurt SOOO bad. my bodies not sore but my ears hurt....

wow. random random random
(i am really hyper right now)

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    19:01 on Friday, March 27, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Well, I bet you probably just tick off Mr. Wolf. I bet you talk too much. There's these clarinets in my band...they talk every time my teacher cuts off. I doubt they got U's though. He's too nice. I got an H in band. And a 3.666 gpa :O

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    23:10 on Friday, March 27, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

i never talk when mr. wolf cuts off. hmmm. maybe its just my bubbly personality. who knows:D

ha. my honor classes aren't weighted wish they were

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:43 on Monday, March 30, 2009          

(309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon

my honors english tends to be extremely explicit. We just completed "Twelfth Night" by's very dirty. My English teacher just LOVES to point all the dirty things out...we hardly ever learn anything besides completely innapropriate terms. LOL. The other day (This isn't dirty) my English teacher was telling us about how usually when the play is performed on stage, the actor for the butler udually does a pelvic thrust. We were all like "show us, show us!" But our English teacher wouldn't. So this one girl got up and said "I'll do it!" She went up to the middle of the class and put her hands where a guy's balls are and moved her hips in an EXTREMELY awkward fashion. *shudder* It was pretty funny.
In our class there is also this one girl who doesn't like our teacher, and our teacher doesn't like her. For example: Our teacher is reading a passage and walks by. The girl says "ur mom", our teacher says "UR mom" and then it goes on and on...
The girl once got so mad that she got up and chased our teacher around the class room...and TACKLED him! Wow...It's a pretty crazy English Class.

Oh...and we got Unanimous Superior ratings at our band festival.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    23:26 on Monday, March 30, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I wish my honors classes were weighted. >:-(
Well, iloveoboe, I can't really guess why Mr. W. doesn't like you. Oh well. Some teachers are just like that.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    02:26 on Tuesday, March 31, 2009          

(344 points)
Posted by ure-name-here

hey guys. i havent posted for a while and i have improved my spelling and punctuation

our school band came back from tour a few days ago and we played at a chocolate factory, a ice cream factory and a candy factory. but we had too play at a church and i dont like church.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    16:36 on Tuesday, March 31, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

he doesn't not like me... apparently i just deserve a crummy citizenship grade in that class

Ha! were playing a Grease medley for our next concert:D its too fun.:D

wow, that sounds like quite the english class....

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    20:48 on Tuesday, March 31, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

What's wrong with church, ure name here? Just wondering. The other places sound like fun.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:27 on Wednesday, April 1, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

happy april fools?

um. ya. since im not being creative I'm not gonna pull any pranks.
but i do think I deserve a reward for getting my name in the School Newspaper/Newsletter twice in one issue. ya amazing i know

In English were watching "The Diary of Anne Frank"
ha. gotta love that movie. its quite dramatic:D

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:54 on Wednesday, April 1, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Anne Frank. She's overrated. Tons of other Jewish girls went through the same stuff, and took it just as well, and better. Her story just happened to be the one that got published. I give props to 'em all, not just her.

My band went on a trip today!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    08:10 on Friday, April 3, 2009          

(344 points)
Posted by ure-name-here

i am working on a arangement of pirates of the carrabean for a orcestra at the moment and it is taking for ever

the resesns i don't like playing ate church are ...

we have to pack the truck at 7 in the morning
church songs are realy slow and boaring
church songs have, like 5 verses
chuch songs are always in a annoying key with 2 or more sharps (brass instuments are in Bflat major)
my euph gets cold while the preis talks so i am out of tune when i play
and church is boaring

those other places were fun though. i spent $60 on chocolate ice cream and candy. we also played at 3 schools and a olp peoples home

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    12:32 on Saturday, April 4, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Fair enough. But there are some kinds of church music that aren't boring, haha. If you ever listen to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, they have some great arrangements that are anything but boring.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:27 on Sunday, April 5, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

Man I love MoTab!
right now i have ,"Come Thou Fount" stuck in my head.

and now that I think of it, one of our festival pieces (Clouds that Sail in Heaven) was an arrangement of "All Creature of Our God and King" it was crazy.


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