Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    18:42 on Sunday, April 5, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I like it when they sing "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", with that one black guy as the soloist. He's amazing!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:00 on Sunday, April 5, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

omgoodness i luv that! lol i've been listening to the mormon tabernacle choir all day 4 General Conference... it's boring. i honestly think it's one of the worst things about being a mormon.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:19 on Sunday, April 5, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I actually like it. Although I fell asleep for a few minutes today. Oops. My band director is the first horn player for the Orchestra at Temple Square.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    11:35 on Monday, April 6, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

Well, I guess you know some now, haha. Evidently there's three of us on this thread. Actually, many of our hymns are the same as those of other Christian faiths.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    17:00 on Monday, April 6, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

"with that one black guy as the soloist. "
Alex Boye? i love him

i like general conference. maybe I enjoy it because I watch it while painting my toenails or trying to crochet... who knows

lalala. its SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:07 on Monday, April 6, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

see with my family, we aren't allowed to talk at all or my parents get mad, so i don't like it. LUCKY U!!!! my spring break is in a week! i'm excited!

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    10:11 on Tuesday, April 7, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I hope we're not weirding out the other people on the thread...

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    15:54 on Tuesday, April 7, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

:D too late. I think I weirded out every one on this thread months ago. That's just what I do:D

It's so nice today! Today and yesterday I read outside. yesterday I was outside for maybe an hour and I'm pink so today I put on a lot of sunscreen:D

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:28 on Tuesday, April 7, 2009          

(50 points)
Posted by flutieplaya1

awesome! lol i just automatically weird ppl out... hey! i wore sunscreen too! it randomly got warm today, but my mom, being the pessimist she is, says it'll rain again tomorrow. i hope not. i luv warmth, but the winters here are horrible! (summers are hot tho...)

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:51 on Tuesday, April 7, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I think it is supposed to rain here tomorrow.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    23:26 on Tuesday, April 7, 2009          

(309 points)
Posted by flute_n_bassoon

By the way, what's with the green and red thumbs in the title of everyone's responding posts on 8notes. I'm talking about the ones that say "0 votes" by them...

lolololololololol i changed the topic    04:15 on Thursday, April 9, 2009          

(344 points)
Posted by ure-name-here

nothing of interest

i am going to denamrk tomoro. it's gunnu be ausome

how can you not talk, i would explode if i coulden't talk

my autum brake just started today.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    11:51 on Thursday, April 9, 2009          

(442 points)
Posted by iluvoboe565

Sigh. It was so nice Monday and Tuesday. And now it is raining
(omigosh, my mom was totally being like that too. and now shes right. i think its probably her fault for saying it was gonna rain. cuz moms generally have that power)

I was supposed to go practice running hurdles today. But its raining. Sigh.

At least Im going to an aquarium today... OOOO

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    21:23 on Thursday, April 9, 2009          

(352 points)
Posted by oboegirl

I used to be in track a few years ago, but I found out I really didn't like to run, so i'm not in it anymore lol. I used to run hurdles and pole vault.

Re: The new new just 2 talk (since the old one is now closed :`(    22:20 on Thursday, April 9, 2009          

(820 points)
Posted by DanTheMaster

I don't do track anymore. It takes up lots of time. I still run for fun sometimes though. Usually only about 2.5 miles at a time, but still.


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