speak2joe (2 points)
Firstly, I adore classical music! My job keeps me very close to the music so I’m incredibly lucky. I'm designing a classical concert brochure and I'd like to ask people's opinions on what they like and what they don't like. Should a brochure, for example, be A5 or smaller? Should it fit in your jacket pocket? Should the pictures outnumber the text or do you love to read about the musicians? I'd also like to know what people think of the three brochures below please? Which is best and why? Your help would be very much appreciated so I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks loads.
London Symphony Orchestra http://cde.cerosmedia.com/LSO_201011...1e6bceb012.cde
Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester http://www.harmonien.no/katalog/
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra http://www.issuu.com/liverpoolphilha...cs/rlpo2010-11