Some of the ones I have been taught to do are the: Sumo, In-Sip-Sip Out-Push-Push, Paper Airplane/Dart/Arrow, and the counting sequence one.
Sumo: You bend your knees slightly so they aren't locked, keep your back straight with good posture. You have a very slow beat and you breath in for 4, out for for, lifting your arms up to the sides when you breath in and lower when you exhale. Gradually lower count structure, 3,2,1 and then do 1 fast and then slow down
In-Sip-Sip Out-Push-Push: You stand in relaxed/attention state. Breath in, bring arms up to grab hands above your head (don't tense shoulders). After taking initial deep breath, hold it and sip when person in charge tells you 2-4 times. Then exhale with a "hiss" syllable for elotted time and repeat. You can alos add trunk twists for around 5 seconds before you take your last sip and exhale.
Paper Airplane/Dart/Arrow: This is used to give you a visual for air usage. For soft, legato, "du" air, you breath in and pretend you have a paper airplane in your hand and when you exhale you gently throw and release the plane. For normal, forte, "da" air, you breath in and pretend you have a dart in your hand and when you exhale you throw the dart firmly and your air is used up faster. For strong, accented, marcatto, "ta" air you breath in and pretend you draw up a bow and arrow tight and when you exhale you push all your air out stronger than prior and arm shoots down to your side.
Count Sequence: Easiest one. You start in 4, out 4. Then next time in 4, out 8. 4, 12. 4, 16, etc. I've gone all the way up to 36.
Hope this helps!