Hi everyone,
I am just letting you know how much I love this site. I am getting used to finding my way around and all the different options for me available. Although I have had a subscription for a couple of years now, I am just here for fun and learning more techniques, and theory and hearing some new and old favorites played so I can print them. I don't practice enough on the piano and my clarinet so it is no wonder I am just an average player. I have nothing to prove though and am enjoying the time I do spend with my music. It is therapeutic, to say the least. I am mostly self-taught after only two years of schooling in both instruments but that is enough for my gratification. I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren and gardening. Don't give up on this site. It's amazing. I can even find lessons here! Thank you to the developers of this site! I'm writing this so I can get my 4 "points"....ha! ha!...just kidding (jk).