Re: anyone here have perfect pitch?
21:04 on Thursday, February 24, 2005
i know some friends of mine who have perfect pitch.
most of them begin to study piano or violin at youg age.(3-6yesrs old)
they think melody or chord always in the key of C.
Re: anyone here have perfect pitch?
15:32 on Sunday, February 27, 2005
(Thomas (alto sax))
By the way, perfect pitch and absolute pitch are just different names for the same thing. Maybe you didn`t know that...
17:56 on Sunday, February 27, 2005
no, they`re different. one has to do with naming the note as it is, and the other one has to do with naming notes in different octaves. look it up in the harvard dictionary of music. i remember it being somewhere in there...they`re different
19:49 on Sunday, February 27, 2005
21:57 on Monday, February 28, 2005
(Thomas (alto sax))
No worries, fluteloops.
perfect pitch
14:45 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
so let me get this straight you can actually train yourself to perfect pitch? how. the only person i know with perfect pitch is my music teacher but he`s just a musical genius...
15:37 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
you can train it but it usually works better when you start before you hit teenage years...preferably when you`re like 6 ish. but it`s trainable best of luck
perfect pitch
16:45 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
I never really think about naming notes I hear outloud but when you sing outloud doe rae me fa... I can easily sing D E F# G A B C# D. How much time do you give someone when you say name this note, 1/2sec. 5sec. 30sec.? The only thing that matters is that you can read several measures ahead and can picture what it sounds like and where your fingers wil go before you even play it, especially when the music is fast or very difficult.
Perfect pitch
17:03 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
(BT DaGoth)
I thought you could only be born with it...
But that`s only because I was and I don`t know ANYBODY else who has it
I`m just wondering, how many people can tell it absolutely instantly along with rhythm to match as well as me? (not including tempo)
Re: anyone here have perfect pitch?
19:09 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
I have perfect pitch, but I did not know it was a bigger deal until last year. It helps so much with ear tests. I heard 1/10 000 people have it...
19:19 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
i wouldn`t think the ration would be THAT small, but i know it`s a rare gift we`re the lucky ones...i can`t really sight sing that well though...i`m on the slower end of singing out the notes.
Perfect pitch.... or near it ... or whatever
19:25 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
(RCM Exams)
Sorry to rain on some of your parades but for the RCM examinations in CAnada, the ear section is knowing intervals, playback, rhythm replay etc. So , thoes of you can tell what note is being played, hat eto break it to you but you as a musicina SHOLD be able to hear a simple interval and know what note it is. As for you with perfect pitch, God your lucky!! lol
- A silent observer who thinks somepeople think that they are perhaps too special
19:36 on Thursday, March 3, 2005
Re: everything
19:33 on Sunday, March 6, 2005
I think perfect pitch is trainable, to a degree. I started off with relative pitch -- I knew C and found everything else from that -- but as I practiced it more I started to remember what the different notes sounded like without needing C as a reference anymore. Of course, I also have perfect sound memory (if that`s what it`s called), as in I remember the songs I know in the key they`re supposed to be in, and can tell when they`re being played in the wrong key, etc. So probably what really happened was that as I started paying more attention to individual notes my brain started to memorize notes the way it would memorize the songs. I trained this when I was around 15, in case you`re wondering. However, my pitch abilities go way back -- I can still remember a choir piece from third grade in the right key, and I know it`s right because I can play all three vocal lines at once from memory and they harmonize perfectly.
Also, I`m amazed when people say stuff like, "Oh, I think everyone in choir knew A for awhile", etc, and seem to think nothing of this, while perfect pitch wows them. Don`t they realize that if they know A they can learn all the other notes from it? That`s what I keep thinking. But maybe I`m just crazy.
Absolute Pitch
15:50 on Friday, March 11, 2005
I too am trying to develop AP and I believe I am doing very well now.
Are some of you familiar with this software called Eartest?
Today I got 83% working with all 12 tones and 6 octaves, practicing for 30 minutes.
Pretty cool!
I used to get about 55% a month ago.
Take care,