take five for trombone and sing sing sing

take five for trombone and sing sing sing    20:51 on Saturday, June 28, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

this sounds total insane, but lookin for a trombone solo verison of take five from dave brubeck. yes! its crazy. and im also lookin for a solo verison of sing sing sing..anyone?

Re: take five for trombone and sing sing sing    20:21 on Tuesday, July 22, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Here`s something you might try:
When I was in college, I was being asked to do sit-in`s with local funk, rock, blues, and ska bands. A lot of people knew me as a bass guitarist, but were really egar to add a trombone to their horn section. Anyway, I was not a music major, but people kept handing me charts drawn out by the Alto Sax player. How was I going to read a different clef AND transpose at the same time? A friend of mine showed me a neat trick. Just replace the treble clef with a bass clef and add three flats to the key signature. Accidentals are a major pain, but with a few runthroughs (and a recording of the piece as reference) they become less of a problem. Find a chart of the alto sax part and give it a try. Be warned though, this was almost ten years ago, and my memory might not be accurate on this. I may have totally misled you in this extremly long post
Check with your band director or someone else with experience in transposition and alternate clefs.

Re: take five for trombone and sing sing sing    15:45 on Wednesday, July 23, 2003          
(sean zhou)
Posted by Archived posts

i also play bass =D yeah that helps, transposing is always a pain.


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