I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
20:01 on Monday, January 15, 2007
 Little_Miss_Trom bone
Posted by Little_Miss_Trombone
I've really been thinking about switching instuments. I want to start playing French Horn, because my school band really needs one, but I love playing the trombone. Now, I'm not all that good at the trombone, but I think I'd be better off with buttons rather than slides. I need some help! What should I do?
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
20:19 on Monday, January 15, 2007
 Steve (457 points)
Wow, that's a tough one. I have seen many students switch instruments for the sake of the band at the request of the director, but honestly, it pains me to hear it. I doubt french horn will be any easier, as a matter of fact, it will probably be harder. Don't think for a second that valves will make it any easier. You'll just be expected to play faster passages anyway. If you were wanting to change because you were in love with the sound, or its role in the band and/or orchestra, then I'd say go for it. But if trombone is your true love, stick with it. You'll always work harder if you truly love what you're doing. If you're doing it for someone else, your flame will most likely burn out.
But if you switch, don't worry... the trombone will still be there for you if and when you come back. 
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
22:18 on Monday, January 15, 2007
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
01:35 on Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
09:01 on Wednesday, January 17, 2007
 Little_Miss_Trom bone
Posted by Little_Miss_Trombone
I'm 15 so I think I'm going to give it a shot and try the French horn. I'm still a little afraid though. I'm jsut afraid that I'm not going to sound good. I've been playing the trombone for 5 years (since I was in 5th grade) and I owill only have a short time, maybe less than one semester to learn the French horn. But my teacher still wants me to try it.
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
11:47 on Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
15:40 on Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
16:00 on Wednesday, January 17, 2007
 Little_Miss_Trom bone
Posted by Little_Miss_Trombone
Thanks a lot for your support guys. I really appriciate it. 
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
16:02 on Sunday, January 21, 2007
 trumpetgrl23 (47 points)
I play Trumpet, but I switched from Trombone and Tuba. If you do decide to switch, and you don't like it, don't be afraid to let your director know. I am a sophomore in high school and my freshman year, the band I was in didn't have a Tuba, so, for the benefit of the band, and having played Tuba before, I decided to play Tuba in band while practicing and taking lessons on Trumpet. After about 1 month, I decided I wanted to switch back, and here's why: I simply love the Trumpet. I enjoy playing Trombone as well as Tuba, and to be completely honest, I was a total natural at them, especially Trombone. But Trumpet is my instrument, it is my passion. I absolutely love the sound and the way it leads the band. So, for a couple weeks, I put off telling my director that I wanted to switch back because I was afraid that he would be angry with. Finally, I walked into his office after class one day and said, "I want to play Trumpet", and he said, "ok", end of story, haven't looked back since.
It all depends on what your passion is, not what your the best at, and not what is the easiest, (and I certainly don't think the French Horn is easier by any means). Like someone else said, if you want to switch because you love the sound and the role it plays, then you should give a try. You can always switch back to Trombone if it's not for you. But if you are switching because your band director wants you to, even though your passion is Trombone, then forget it. Play what you want to play. My band director this year told me, "you should really consider switching to baritone, you have a perfect set up for it, you would sound gorgeous." I immediately replied "No", because I want to play Trumpet, and that is just the way it is.
Whatever you decide to do, good luck and have fun!
Re: I`ve been thinking way to much about. . .
07:00 on Monday, January 22, 2007