confusedperforme r
Posted by confusedperformer
The trombone may appear easy at first, but later on, you will find more challenges. The trombone's difficulty is alot different from most instruments' difficulties.
The trombone, I consider, as easy to play - hard to play WELL! Its easy to pick up and make a relatively decent sound and learn the positions, but later on there is difficulties with completely accurate/perfect slide positions, pairing legato tongue with the slide, slurring and air. They are things that in the beginning, you don't realize. Its almost like, the farther you go, the more that u find out u need to work on.
Other instruments are difficult in the opposite way,...they are hard to play (at first) but once you master fingerings/valves and create a decent sound, ur pretty much on ur way. The rest is just practice to get perfect/faster on those things.
I may be wrong, and may be the only one that thinks that ^^, but its what i've realized from attempting to play almost every instrument.