king trombones
king trombones
04:54 on Saturday, June 30, 2007
Re: king trombones
01:35 on Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Re: king trombones
10:22 on Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Re: king trombones
00:04 on Thursday, February 21, 2008
 puffycheeks (25 points)
Personally, I would never buy a horn without playing it first. Sure you could get a great deal on ebay, but it's a gamble. If you are on a low budget, go to a few shops that have used horns and try them out. If you find one that you love, then there you go! There are a lot of consistantly good horns out there, but realistically the best horn for you is going to be the horn that feels best to you. For example, my best friend and fellow trombonist in our studio here just spent around $4000 on an new Edwards. It's a great horn and was custom made for him, but he never really played many other horns before going with Edwards. At a convention last weekend, he picked up (I can't remember the exact brand, but it was kind of a Shires rip off) this horn that was worth at least half of his Edwards and it played far better than his Edwards. He didn't want to let it go, and was kind of bummed the rest of the weekend. Moral of the story: pick whatever plays the best for you! I hope that helps.
PS: I would suggest getting a horn with an F attatchment, just because they are far far more versitile.
Re: king trombones
17:55 on Thursday, February 21, 2008
 Steve (457 points)
I don't know about where you guys live, but the music stores around here are pretty much garbage. Of the four trombones I own, three have been purchased sight unseen. I did, however, have the option to return them.
As for the original question, if you are willing to go used, you can get a considerably better horn for your budget. If it's a straight horn you're looking for, you could probably find a good King 3B (2103), or plenty of other good horns. If you're looking for a brand new horn in that range, maybe a Yamaha YSL 354? Personally I'd go used, you'll have more options that way.