Which Soprano Trombone (slide trumpet) Should I Get
Which Soprano Trombone (slide trumpet) Should I Get
20:34 on Tuesday, October 23, 2007
 FreshmanTrumpete er
Posted by FreshmanTrumpeteer
I'm currently planning on getting a slide trumpet because not only did I find that you can get a decent one for like $350, but learning to play it would allow me to then know how to play all brass instruments, as I play trumpet currently. Anyhow, I was looking at the Jupiter 314L Slide Trumpet and thought that looked good and heard many great things about it. I also saw this Jean Baptiste one for like $150. Is the Jupiter overpriced, or is it that the Jean Baptiste is a cheapie, because I take my instruments seriously and plan for it to last a long time. Let me know of any other suggestions as to which one to get. Thanks guys!
Re: Which Soprano Trombone (slide trumpet) Should I Get
20:36 on Tuesday, October 23, 2007
 FreshmanTrumpete er
Posted by FreshmanTrumpeteer
By the way, the slide trumpet would have to be a Bb instrument, as im not wanting to have to learn completely new note names and such, that would get too confusing.