Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
23:22 on Friday, November 9, 2007
Re: Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
05:53 on Saturday, November 10, 2007
Re: Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
00:03 on Sunday, November 11, 2007
Re: Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
22:30 on Monday, November 12, 2007
 JRobichaud (4 points)
I appreciate your situation. I am a HS band director of 30 years, play the trombone and have a son who is a pro on the trombone.
I have many students with the soloist instrument and it is good, but no where near a 42BO or 88-H that can be found used but very clean for around $1500. We (my son and I) own a custom built Edwards, Conn Christian Lindberg 88-H, Bach 42BO. The Lindberg (88H) ($2700) and Edwards ($3500)are by far a cut above the others.
How does this help you? Just last week I picked up a used Getzen 725. Getzen makes the Edwards horns, so I was intrigued. WOW! for the money ($900 new) this instrument plays with the best. It is open wrap, very free blowing trigger, nice sound center high C to low E (T7).
In my oppinion, hands down, find a Getzen 725 for your son. It plays with the Bach 36/42BO and is a much better horn than the soloist. You can find a new one on line from several dealers, possibly locally, and on ebay.
Best wishes, and thanks for investing in your sons musical development!
82% of all adults with graduate degrees participated in music in HS, and 70% of all adults who make over $150K a year did likewise. Lots of reasons why, but kudos to you for your forsight.
Re: Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
12:01 on Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Re: Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
13:42 on Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Re: Bach Soloist vs. Bach TB200B
18:47 on Wednesday, November 21, 2007