![](/uploaded_images/thumbs/69054_DSC_0202.JPG) JOhnlovemusic (1279 points)
The cup type, style, and size are meticulously matched to the bore, the shank, and the backbore. Typically use of an adaptor results in poor tone quality. And if you are going to fit an adaptor it would be better to d it at the rim rather than the mouthpipe. What I would suggest is you find a good Alto trombone specific mouthpiece. Get the smallest rim diameter you can get, which will probably be around 22mm across. It is VERY important that your mouthpiece match the instrument. Then get another tenor mouthpiece for your Tenor Horn or see if you can find one you like with a large rim diameter (19mm). Take these two to a music craftsman and have the Tenor rim mounted on the Alto trombone mouthpiece.
If there is no one in your area I can recommend Lowell Stevenson in California. If you supply the mouthpieces he will cut the rims off and mount your tenor rim on the Alto mouthpiece. The cost for the transplant is a mere $40 USD.
I have students who play Bass and Tenor trombone and I have Lowell put the same rim on their tenor as their bass mouthpiece. It makes switching between the two quite a bit eassier.