Trying out for drum major

Trying out for drum major    09:43 on Sunday, March 28, 2010          

(1 point)
Posted by austinjb555

Hey guys, new here, I'm 3rd chair in the school's middle band. I'm a sophomore. I'm also 2nd chair in my lowest jazz band. I marched last season, too. For next season, I'm trying out for drum major, and there are two spots open, and it's between me and 2 other people, so I really want to get this! Are there any tips? I know the basic patterns, arrow, and pretty much the opener, but when I do cutoffs with my left hand, my right hand tends to do a circle with it... I have to conduct the National Anthem and Night on Bald Mountain (The first song here: ). That is our marching band, and the center major is AMAZING! Please help! I'll even upload videos of myself if it helps...


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