Are they so bad?

Are they so bad?    06:43 on Thursday, March 13, 2014          

(2 points)
Posted by samop

I'm an amateur tenor trombonist (Vincent Bach 42B) in local wind bands and orchestras and occasionally take the bass trombone parts, so I was thinking of getting a cheap bass trombone.

I appreciate this is Heretic and I'm going to get pelted with mouthpieces and poked with cleaning rods, but everyone says these cheap Chinese imports are serious rubbish and don't touch them, but in reality how bad can they be? As long as the slide is good and the value works then what?

Obviously the tone isn't going to be up to a pro standard instrument but for the occasional bass bits where all that people will hear is the pedal notes does it really matter?


What do you think chaps?


Re: Are they so bad?    21:01 on Monday, July 7, 2014          

(3 points)

To be honest, I think you should go with what's most recommended and what has been purchased most because usually when people say not to go with something they're telling you from experience. I wouldn't think it would hurt but what do I know? I'm a 5th year tenor trombonist and the only switch I've made is to a Jupiter trigger trombone which by the way is amazing. Anyways, look for recommendations and purchases before you decide. You never know what could happen.



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