effects of doubling

effects of doubling    23:46 on Sunday, July 18, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

I just wanted to get feedback on two topics. Would it be a problem if I doubled on trumpet? And what are your opinions of a trombonist screaming(I have been developing my low range as well as my tone and improv. so I`m not neglecting anything.

Re: effects of doubling    13:41 on Tuesday, July 20, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts

As a bihorn player(actualy like quad) the trumpette is a good horn to double on. The buzing is the same but that is where the similarities end. the emboshure is slightly diferent and it is enough that you can play one horn for hours then swich to the other and feel like you have fresh chops. be careful that you dont pull the horn into your lips, remember support not preshure and youll be ok.
Lastly if you have a hard time swiching back and forth, try sleeping with your neighbors wife. that alwayse helps me.


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