does anyone know where i can get the intro theme to the Chronicles of Narnia (BBC TV)

does anyone know where i can get the intro theme to the Chronicles of Narnia (BBC TV)    07:23 on Saturday, January 18, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i am a kid and i am desperate to find the intro theme from the Chronicles of Narnia. is there anywhere in the UK where i can get it?

Re: does anyone know where i can get the intro theme to the Chronicles of Narnia (BBC TV)    15:26 on Tuesday, March 11, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

if u mena the musical Narnia, then i can help u, i have practily all the sheet music to it cuz i was in the musical a while back, e-mail me is u need it.

Re: does anyone know where i can get the intro theme to the Chronicles of Narnia (BBC TV)    23:20 on Thursday, June 26, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You have all the sheet music?? Because I`ve been trying to find it everywhere! I`m going to be in the play and wanted to prepare and can`t find any music to practise on...what songs are there?? Could I possibly get a copy of them?? Write a reply, I`ll check this later! Thanks

Re: does anyone know where i can get the intro theme to the Chronicles of Narnia (BBC TV)    11:35 on Sunday, June 29, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You can download all the narnia music form the BBC Series at:
You have to have a yahoo id, which is free.
I also have a link tot he sheet music.

Re: does anyone know where i can get the intro theme to the Chronicles of Narnia (BBC TV)    12:46 on Tuesday, January 13, 2004          
Posted by Archived posts


My church is putting on the musical Narnia and I`m a guitar player in the band. Does anyone have guitar chords or piano sheetmusic for the musical Narnia? I joined the Yahoo Narnia Group but I couldn`t find it.

Thank you,

- Marc


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