Geo M. Bundy

Geo M. Bundy    11:32 on Sunday, February 13, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I have an old Geo M bundy trombone in great condition. I have yet to hear anything about them. I know that Bundy made saxes starting in the mid 20`s but I can find no info about the trombones. Any help would be nice. Thanks

Re: Geo M. Bundy    19:57 on Tuesday, February 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Geo M. Bundy actually stands for George M. Bundy that who was a clarinetist and helper of Alexandre Selmer who started the American Selmer Company. Alexandre left America and went back to France, and left the management to George M. Bundy who later became the President of H&A Selmer, Inc. Geo M. Bundy is what the model was called. But in the 20`s, it was common practice for companies to order instruments through other major manufacturers and have their own name put on them, these were called "stencil instruments". American instruments tended to be Conn, Bueschers, and Martins. They could have been sold by selmer, but have been made by another company. Geo M. Bundy`s were mostly clarinets or Saxophones, but they sold brass instruments as well.

I hope this helps, anything else i can help yah look for, dont hesitate to ask.

alexandre trombone    20:16 on Friday, February 25, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

I have a very old trombone and was wandering what it`s value might be? I can`t find anything online. I would appreciate any input.


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