how much rosin do you pput on the bow??
12:47 on Saturday, June 22, 2002
I just bought a student violin yesterday and have yet to make a decent noise. My question is "how do you rosin the bow. Ihad thought the rosin was like a wax but it is like a hard little brick. do I just rub it on the bow??
Thanks Pj
Re: how much rosin do you pput on the bow??
14:55 on Monday, July 15, 2002
you hold it in your hand and rub it on the bow but first to make it work you have to scratch it with a key or something sharp. to know how much to put on it you can pluck the hairs and if it makes dust come off you know you put enough on.
Re: how much rosin do you put on the bow??
17:05 on Thursday, August 15, 2002
with the back of your index finger (as it is not as greasy) run it along the hairs of your bow, and if its white, you`ve got enough.
Re: how much rosin do you pput on the bow??
19:09 on Saturday, August 31, 2002
Rosin on a bow, makes a huge difference in the quality of the sound of the tones. You want to put just the right amount. When you first get a new bow, you should rosin way more than you do to an older/used bow. After using the bow a couple of weeks just rosin it before each time of playing 2 strokes. Listen to the sound of your strings. If the sound is scratchy and not wholesome, apply more rosin. If the sound is loud, wholesome, and you can see the rosin flying of the strings, you have enough or too much. Too much rosin can make your violin sticky as well as your strings and produce a sort of screechy sound.
Sorry for making this lengthy. LATER!