
Learnig    00:15 on Friday, June 16, 2006          

(1 point)
Posted by madmanz3000

I personally have been playing guitar for 4 years and have done everything from basic tablature, solos, chord progressions, and classical guitar which supposibly has many similarities to violin as far as vibrato and other tecneques I was wondering at seeing beginer violins at under $150 how hard would it be to learn basic violin on my own after already have gone through music theory on guitar and I was just wondering because I am friends with the artist Pete Schmidt and he picked up a violin and was playing quite well with no books or teaching or previous musical theory background. So I was wondering how hard learning basic violin would be without lessons?

Re: Learnig    16:15 on Thursday, June 22, 2006          

(10 points)
Posted by ashadownthdrkns

It's possible to learn without any lessons, but be careful. It's amazingly easy to develop bad habits without the help of a teacher. I would recommend taking a few lessons at the beginning just to make sure your technique is correct. Later you can probably continue on your own for a while, depending on where you want to go with violin. A few lessons along the way would help to ensure that you dont develop any strange habits (they seem to pop up at random times, and are hard to get rid of.)


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