Arasha33 (7 points)
My name is Arash A`alaei and I am a violinist and composer from Iran. I and my friend , Ali Salehi pour who is a young virtuoso intend to form a string quartet by cooperation of two American musicians ( a violist and a cellist) . Recently we both had a master course with Chumachenco in Switzerland. we are going to play contemporary Iranian and American composers work , our will is to play for peace and to make a bridge between two nations .
As you know nowadays the world welcomes such a project.
We are looking for two interested American musicians , professional Violist and cellist.
Please contact me if you are interested in such a challenging project.
Parmida violin Club
North Sohrevardi St. Hasani alley #74/1
Tehran Iran
Telefax: +98 21 88740038
Cell: +98 912 4587405