tinydancer06 (6 points)
I'm looking for some new books - Has anyone used either ABC's of violin or the Step-by Step books (used with suzuki as supplement I think)? I wondered how the progression of the books was in the ABC series- I'm using suzuki book 2 (on the last 2 songs right now) & thought I should probably order book 2, but I didn't know if it would be too easy, so maybe book 3??? And, I'm assuming in the Step-By-Step, since they are suzuki supplements, they correspond to the suzuki books- 3A would be the beginning of book 3? I'm an adult and they kind of look like they are for little kids, but I don't have a teacher right now (I did until a few months ago), so I'm kind of on my own and need a book that describes things well...
OH, and has anyone used Viva Vibrato? I know its not good to teach yourself vibrato- but I'm going to be taking some lessons for a short period of time in about 2 months and wanted to give myself a head start....