Can a violin "go bad" ?

Can a violin "go bad" ?    22:32 on Thursday, April 2, 2009          

(1 point)
Posted by Jeero

Hi, about 10 years ago, I purchased a $1,600 violin. I don't know if I got ripped off or not but I had been playing violin for 7-8 years then and my teacher hooked me up. Anyway, two years after making the big purchase, I went off to college and have not played it since, so it has been about 8 years since it has been touched.

My question is, can a violin go bad? Can the hair on the bow go bad as well if it has just been shut in a case for some time? I just took a look at it and it looks okay-- a little smelly-- but otherwise alright. Out of tune. The case is a pretty nice case but no, it does not have the whole temperature adjusting thing.

I want to pick up and play for fun but am wondering if I should take it to a violin shop / change out the hair (is there a name for this) on the bow.

Thanks all for the help.


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