Keeping on beat? rythem?
12:44 on Sunday, October 5, 2003
I recently started the violin, and I cant seem to keep onrythem or count notes properly, is there something i can do to pratice it?
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
21:40 on Sunday, October 5, 2003
Listen to lots of music while following through the scores; this will help you connect the written representation with the actual musical sound. I find that if I have listened to a piece before I play it, I can get fairly difficult (around L.MusA standard) music under my fingers very quickly.
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
22:06 on Sunday, October 5, 2003
You can try to use a metronome. Just set it to your tempo, and it will keep clicking. Some people find these annoying, but their very helpful.
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
11:34 on Monday, October 6, 2003
The problem with a metronome is that I tend to ignore it ^^;
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
04:36 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003
(Martin Milner)
Do you do anything else that requires good rhythm, such as singing or dancing?
I occasionally have problems with unusual rhythms, usually because I`m working from the sheet and haven`t heard the music played. La-La-ing through the tune to get it into my head before I try to play usually cures it.
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
11:26 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003
Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe you should listen to a CD that has good rhythm; try to tap out the beats with it, then turn it down low, and then back up to see if your still with it. Yeah, play your metronome with the music. Don`t ignore it- ever sense the Baroque era rhythm and time has become standardized- unfortunately (I have trouble sometimes too). If you don`t play with the metronome first, you will want to rush certain parts and slow other parts down. Practice, Practice, Practice.
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
16:44 on Tuesday, October 7, 2003
The only exception to piccolo`s rule is rubato of course...
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
19:21 on Sunday, October 12, 2003
Start with a simple piece of music and just read the beats out loud. "one.. two.. three-and-four-and" etc. Do it phrase by phrase, a phrase ending on a long note.
Repeat this to every piece of music you have and practise the beats. You can promote yourself to playing the violin with the notes after 15 minutes of practising out loud.
Do this whenever you practise, even for music you know very well; especially for music you know. When you see some new music, sight-read just the beats, like I told you. Soon you will be counting the beats as soon as you look it. ("soon" depends on how well you concentrate.)
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
22:59 on Sunday, October 12, 2003
YES Jay EXACTLY!! Forget about the notes and being out of tune. If the music is hard for you then put the beats of the metronome at the slowest setting. After you get use to how fast the music is at the slower setting, then put it at the actual setting. Then just do bow strokes with just the "A" string while reading the music so you can see how fast the music goes before you play it with notes.
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
19:17 on Wednesday, November 5, 2003
yeah, that did help...thanks...
new problem...eigth >_<
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
17:45 on Friday, November 7, 2003
awwwwwwww eigth notes aren`t so bad, give them a chance. jus count them 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and............. now sixteenth makes me wanna cringe, i hate playing those period, ohhh and 32 second and all the lovely fast stuff. oops sorry went off there
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
19:35 on Saturday, November 8, 2003
So eight notes, eh?
Try this.
Suppose you have 2 quavers (1/2) 2 semi-quavers (1/4) and 4 demisemiquavers (1/8) and 1 quaver, then you could count:
Each beat ("1..2..") is a quaver,
each "and" is a semi quaver,
each syllable of "Coca-cola" is a demi-semiquaver. In the time you say "1......", you have to fit in "coca-cola".
Its funny saying coca-cola in the middle of Beethoven or Bach. That`s the basic steps to playing 8th notes. You can take it one step further with dotted semi-quavers, etc.
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
16:32 on Sunday, November 9, 2003
lol, TY that does help XD
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
04:44 on Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Re: Keeping on beat? rythem?
21:28 on Saturday, January 31, 2004
what is the tool (instrument) to bring or keep rythem?