About 2 weeks ago, I decided that after playing the acoustic guitar for 5 years, it was time to try my childhood dream of playing the violin, and so yesterday, my friend bought along her old Violin (stentor) and traded it for my old electric guitar & amp. She told me some basics of reading sheet music and working out how to play it on the violin, rosining the bow, tightening the bow, holding the bow and ect...
However when she left, I realized I never got told how to bow!
Any tips? :D
Hold the bow in front of your with your left hand. Have a "bumpy thumb" in front of the frog. The frog is the black piece that holds the hair to the bow. Next, have your middle finger and ring finger come over the bumpy thumb. Then tilt your hand toward your index finger. There should be a small space between your index finger and your middle and ring fingers. Finally, place your pinky finger somewhere comfortable.
So to summarize, it's bumpy thumb, hugging fingers, tilt, pinky.
Some key points:
-Relax. It's natural to tense up and hold the bow too tight so relax.
-Holding the bow is like trying to make a "dog's face" with your right hand.
-Don't put your thumb into the "frog's mouth". Put it in front and in between the middle and ring finger.