Kalki (1 point)
If you are a beginner, a scratchy sound is fairly common for many months of playing, especially on the E string. A scratchy sound, if the string is tuned correctly, could also possibly be saying that something is out of alignment.with the nut or the E-string bridge protector. You also said that you got a new E-String, could the new one be of an inferior quality compared to the first one that you were using. Not all E-strings are created equal and some are just bad.
It is hard to say from your description of the peg issue what is actually wrong if anything. Pegs need to be pushed in while tuning. You always tune up to the notes and never down to it. Only use the fine tuners for the final tuning. Be very careful, especially with the E-string, not to get the string up against the peg box wall or it could get pinched and broken.
Retired professional violin maker and repairmen w/ 35 years experience in the retail violin market
Retired professional violin maker and repairmen w/ 35 years experience in the retail violin market
check out http://www.violininformation.webs.com for lots of useful info on violins, their care and maintenance and especially on pegs slipping
Also check out my website http://ixibot.com.