bridge position
15:05 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
what is the desired bridge position. i know it should be aligned along the notches of the f hole. but my bridge is titled towards the head and away from the tail. is that good? i have stopped going to a private tutor for almost a year and just do some regular practices. help here please.
Re: bridge position
20:15 on Wednesday, January 7, 2004
No, that`s not good. It needs to be straight upright. You should take it to a shop to be straightened, because should it fall down, your sound post (inside) might slip out of position - and then you`ll have to take it in for sure to have everything put back properly.
Re: bridge position
05:35 on Thursday, January 8, 2004
(Liz Ward)
No need to take it to a shop, just pull it back. It`s well worth pulling it back every time you tune up, if it has moved at all, have it so it looks as if it is leaning back a little (only a little!), that avoids problems with the bridge bending due to the forward pull of the strings.
Re: bridge position
18:22 on Thursday, January 8, 2004
The side of the bridge facing the tailpiece should be perpendicular to the top.
You may all ready know this, but you align the middle of the bridge with the inner notches.
Re: bridge position
00:42 on Friday, January 9, 2004