Beginner Violin Range?
17:58 on Thursday, March 25, 2004
Hi. I was wondering what a good easy range is for a violin player. Basicly. Without shifting. What line is the high A on (or between) (on the E string) and where is the G string on the tremble staff. Thanks...
-the Magster
Re: Beginner Violin Range?
19:11 on Thursday, March 25, 2004
(Liz Ward)
The A is on the line above the staff and the G is under the second line below it.
Re: Beginner Violin Range?
19:35 on Thursday, March 25, 2004
Thank you so much. I`m writing a Violin/Viola/Cello arrangement for school and need to make sure it was playable.
Re: Beginner Violin Range?
20:45 on Thursday, March 25, 2004
the highest note you should include should only be an A on the E-String (1 ledger line above the staff), as beginners probably cannot use their fourth fingers very accurately. Also, D-Major is probably the best key to write easy pieces for beginners, because of the f and C sharps. If you stay away from the g and e string a lot then they should have no problem.