Begginner bow hold
13:50 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Why do young beginers sometimes hold the bow with their thumb underneath the frog, instead of in the proper position? I remember holding the bow like this when I first started learning, but I don`t understand why it is taught like this, is it less akward for beginners?
Re: Begginner bow hold
18:18 on Tuesday, April 13, 2004
It has something to do with coordination, I think, but it`s less awkward for them to hold the bow there. Put it this way, I think it has something to do with sacrificing speed for comfort, and sincebeginners play slow anyway, it apparently helps them get a better feel for the bow before moving them up to proper bow holding.
Re: Begginner bow hold
13:40 on Wednesday, April 14, 2004
yah, what josh said pretty much. it`s more comfortable for the begginers. and if begginers hold it advanced (or intermediate) players then they they have things disturbing them like the bow hair and since they have a hard time playing music, that`ll just disturb them more.
Re: Begginner bow hold
22:42 on Thursday, April 15, 2004
Thanks, that makes sense I was just curious since it seems so awkward to hold it that way now