I`ve been playing with my school orchestra for about 4 years now and we still havent learned vibrato. Does anyone have any tips on how to play with vibrato. I can do it some what though but I just need some tips!! Thanks!!
My violin teacher told me years ago to get an empty small spool of thread and put it in between your thumb and finger and start trying to slowly move your "wrist only" and not your forarm...just the wrist, that is correct vibrato..
hope you get it...
Re: Vibrato 12:36 on Monday, June 21, 2004
Posted by Archived posts
yea paul that works but a bioled egg does the same trick. My vibrato is to fast and the egg helped me get control of it better but I still cant hold it on good for a semibreive. Please help because I really want to be good at it.