what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?

what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?    17:15 on Friday, January 14, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i thought i`d just deal with it but the a sounds so impure and nasty. little short on cash but i really want this fixed . btw, how do they do it? do they poke the sound post with a pencii through an f hole or do they open the violin up somehow. and if they open the violin up, is there a chance of damage or something?

Re: what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?    04:23 on Saturday, January 15, 2005          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

It`s done with a special, no need to open the violin up. I don`t know how much it costs in the US though.

Re: what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?    09:15 on Saturday, January 15, 2005          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

a special TOOL, that is!

Re: what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?    12:01 on Saturday, January 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

how long does it take? do you need lots of training with it to do it?
knowing both can allow me to estimate price lol.

Re: what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?    13:23 on Saturday, January 15, 2005          
(Elizabeth Ward)
Posted by Archived posts

Training, yes. Time, not long at all. Minutews rather than hours.


Re: what would the average luthier charge for repositioning the sound post?    18:22 on Saturday, January 15, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

i`m gonna ask for a discount and try to get it for $20


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