Does it get easy?
Does it get easy?
07:48 on Monday, March 20, 2006
Re: Does it get easy?
09:08 on Monday, March 20, 2006
Re: Does it get easy?
11:27 on Saturday, July 1, 2006
Re: Does it get easy?
14:18 on Thursday, July 6, 2006
violasurvey (34 points)
Frankly, if you are not having to listen for the right notes on the guitar, you aren't playing it correctly. There is less difference between the guitar and the violin with regards to intonation than most people think.
You see, the guitar is not a piano. The frets are imperfectly placed,; they are placed using a simple mathematical division into 12 equal spaces, but the stretch of the strings makes that imperfect. Furthermore, you don't have to play in equal temperament! Yo ucan stretch or flat a string to get it into a sweeter place.
So when you play guitar, you really need to push or pull the strings--sharper or flatter--to get the note to ring in tune. This is true with both metal and with nylon, and is especially noticable (and easier to do) when you play btween the 7th and the 21st fret. (It is more difficult to flat a note in the 1st position--which is sometimes a problem for intonation!).
The skills you are learning on the viola--listening to the pitch, finding the rigning tone, finding the intervals etc will be transferrable to the guitar.
In time, your hands will gain a "muscle memory" of where to go and the adjustments will decrease, but you will always be "thinkin" about intonation.
Re: Does it get easy?
19:19 on Wednesday, August 2, 2006