why violists?(frustrated ranting)
why violists?(frustrated ranting)
21:49 on Friday, August 4, 2006
 Violahead (21 points)
It sucks to be a violist. Have you ever been transporting your viola and people say "so you play violin"? It is SO frustrating (although one guy asked my friend if she played bass while carrying her violin). You get important parts that require perfect intonation because you have the third of the chord yet get mocked for having an "easy part". Although second violinists get more time in the limelight than violists, they get stuck with almost equally demanding parts.
At my church, EVERY TIME I PLAY A SOLO I SAY "I WILL BE PLAYING ... FOR SOLO VIOLA", YET THEY CONSTANTLY SAY "YOU PLAY THE VIOLIN WELL, KEEP IT UP". If you say to a stranger, "I play viola, not violin" they say oh dissapointedly. It's even more annoying when you tape a sign to your case that says "Viola, not Violin" and people still ask if you play violin. Viola is the only instrument that doesn't have a style or genre to go with so people can recognize them. Violinists have fiddle music (I think of violin=Classical/jazz,fiddle=folk music), bassists have jazz, and let's be serious who would mistake a cello(people usually don't think of name right away). People have asked me if I played guitar, sax, violin, and two more that I can't think of right away. Some violists are down right annoying. I have had stand partners who wait for me to start playing before they start playing, who don't give me enough shoulder room because they don't hold up the instrument right, and violists that are beginners playing on metalic violas talking about how I, the principal violist of said orchestra, sounds bad. I understand that every musician is allowed to have a ditzy day once in a while but don't sit back and not practice EVERYDAY(I understand every person with a section partrner experiences this regularly). Some people have even called the viola an oversized violin, but the first instrument played between the chin and collarbone was viola-sized. It is more difficult to get one's hand on an antique viola because even a smaller number of them exist than other instruments. Modern instruments aren't bad though because much of the viola's repetopire is 20th century music. Composers who PLAYED the viola include Mozart, Bach, Paganini, Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Stamitz(viola virtuoso), Hindemith, Rebecca Clark, and others.
Although it's good sometimes, it sucks to be a violist.
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
20:42 on Saturday, August 5, 2006
 violadave (1 point)
Violahead, If you love the sound you're making, then you don't really need any other reason to play viola. But it's tough when you don't get your due-- especially when you're paying your dues all the time. I'm kind of glad I read your post because I 've been going thru some negative thoughts and feelings lately- not about the viola-- but other stuff-- and reading your post I was reminded that these are really not problems that exist anywhere but inside one's own head. For instance if someone mistakes your viola for a violin your totally welcome to ignore their mistake--
fact is, most people who aren't string players can't tell the difference. From their point of view there is no difference.
But your reaction to their mistake they can tell a lot about! This common error could be your oppurtunity to kindly educate them for a few minutes if it pleases you to talk with them. If not, you could be pleased to know something they don't and since you do play the violin-- (just about violist can!)-- you're not being dishonest really in choosing to ignore the error-- just polite.
I like the idea of the sign on the case- that's a good idea. I think I might do that-- paint it on in white with big bold brush strokes that you can see a mile away.
Best Wishes,
ps: I wish I played in an orchestra!
It sucks to be a violist. Have you ever been transporting your viola and people say "so you play violin"? It is SO frustrating (although one guy asked my friend if she played bass while carrying her violin). You get important parts that require perfect intonation because you have the third of the chord yet get mocked for having an "easy part". Although second violinists get more time in the limelight than violists, they get stuck with almost equally demanding parts.
At my church, EVERY TIME I PLAY A SOLO I SAY "I WILL BE PLAYING ... FOR SOLO VIOLA", YET THEY CONSTANTLY SAY "YOU PLAY THE VIOLIN WELL, KEEP IT UP". If you say to a stranger, "I play viola, not violin" they say oh dissapointedly. It's even more annoying when you tape a sign to your case that says "Viola, not Violin" and people still ask if you play violin. Viola is the only instrument that doesn't have a style or genre to go with so people can recognize them. Violinists have fiddle music (I think of violin=Classical/jazz,fiddle=folk music), bassists have jazz, and let's be serious who would mistake a cello(people usually don't think of name right away). People have asked me if I played guitar, sax, violin, and two more that I can't think of right away. Some violists are down right annoying. I have had stand partners who wait for me to start playing before they start playing, who don't give me enough shoulder room because they don't hold up the instrument right, and violists that are beginners playing on metalic violas talking about how I, the principal violist of said orchestra, sounds bad. I understand that every musician is allowed to have a ditzy day once in a while but don't sit back and not practice EVERYDAY(I understand every person with a section partrner experiences this regularly). Some people have even called the viola an oversized violin, but the first instrument played between the chin and collarbone was viola-sized. It is more difficult to get one's hand on an antique viola because even a smaller number of them exist than other instruments. Modern instruments aren't bad though because much of the viola's repetopire is 20th century music. Composers who PLAYED the viola include Mozart, Bach, Paganini, Dvorak, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Stamitz(viola virtuoso), Hindemith, Rebecca Clark, and others.
Although it's good sometimes, it sucks to be a violist.
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
19:27 on Sunday, August 6, 2006
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
19:40 on Sunday, August 6, 2006
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
03:31 on Sunday, October 8, 2006
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
15:38 on Monday, October 9, 2006
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
18:41 on Saturday, December 9, 2006
 Bandandorchestra geek
Posted by Bandandorchestrageek
Well shoot if you think thats bad when i was in seventh grade my bus driver called my viola a TUBA!!! A TUBA!!! how can you get those mixed up!!! Two different families.lol but she very musically stupid...i wanted to call her stupid. but i bit my tounge
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
16:10 on Monday, January 8, 2007
 talentedxMUSICIA N
Posted by talentedxMUSICIAN
soooooo true!! omg i hate it when people ask me how long i've been playing the viola
but it's not as bad because i do play the violin too, but i always correct them when they're wrong
=) <Added>correction: i hate it when people ask me how long i've been playing the violin
typo srry
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
13:02 on Thursday, January 18, 2007
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
14:14 on Saturday, March 3, 2007
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
17:28 on Monday, March 5, 2007
why violists?(frustrated ranting)
21:22 on Friday, March 23, 2007
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
21:48 on Saturday, March 31, 2007
 bleachyum (4 points)
Actually, a lot of violinists are learning to play viola, why?
well, there's not enough violas(endangered!), so conductors will come rip your door off and literally go on their knees and beg you to come to their orchestra :]...
So if your really good at viola, you'll have no problem finding an orchestra to play in
violins are over-populated, agreed?
and yes i do hate how people say "oh, you play the violin?" or "viola? What's that?"
ignorant people...
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
18:43 on Monday, May 21, 2007
Re: why violists?(frustrated ranting)
16:39 on Wednesday, May 23, 2007
 okyourabeast (7 points)
I actually love explaining to people what instrument I play.
"Is that a violin?"
"Nope, that's my viola. I'm not like the 40,000,000 other violinists in the world"
But yes I do agree I have this problem with my handheld computer being called a Palmpilot when it is in fact a Windows Mobile handheld. Oh well, just walk it off and fell proud that since there are less of us in the world that we have our own little cult in an orchestra.