*Wants to play Viola*
08:06 on Saturday, June 9, 2007
I was nearly in the same situation...
14:45 on Monday, June 11, 2007
 Maiksch (5 points)
Hi theperson108
I really understand your situation, because I was in a similar one some years ago. At that time I have already been playing the flute for in about 5 or 6 years at our local music school. Then I wanted to start to play the viola. I was not allowed to start with a string instrument when I was younger, but I alwys dreamed of doing it.
First I was also not sure if I should start with the viola or the violin. My arguments were the same that you have: I thought that violas do not have important parts p.e. in an orchestra. My arguments for the viola were its very warm tone and I also knew that it would be much harder to start with the viola than with the violin. So I wanted to try it.
Now I am already playing the viola for five years and I know that it was the right decision for me. I do also play in an orchestra at the music school. Ok, the notes are not as interessting and important as those of the first violins, but they are not more unimpotant than those of the second violins.
In addition I have got a fantastic teacher who has showed me a lot.
So I can only advise you to start with the viola, you won't regret it.
I do not know where you are from, but in my region (North- West Germany) you can rent an instrument at the music school for just 10 Euro or something like that, also if you do not take leesons there. Perhaps you could also ask for such an offering at a music school in your region?
PS: I hope you can understand my miserable English!!! 
Re: *Wants to play Viola*
08:01 on Saturday, June 16, 2007
Re: *Wants to play Viola*
17:08 on Friday, June 22, 2007
Re: *Wants to play Viola*
00:36 on Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Re: *Wants to play Viola*
18:51 on Monday, February 18, 2008
Re: *Wants to play Viola*
21:01 on Saturday, March 8, 2008
 blackhellebore89 (156 points)
Posted by blackhellebore89
yeah im a violinist too, and its not all about the orchestra! violas have major parts in chamber music, and you can play anything classical on them, or anything you can think of. plus they are a bit nicer on the ear sometimes! its about the music, not how "important you are" without the rest of the orchestra, the violin would be nothing!
Re: *Wants to play Viola*
13:32 on Sunday, March 9, 2008
 naomi92 (2 points)
i played violin for 3 years and have now played viola for 6 years. i find viola generally better than violin, it can go lower  lol.
you can always buy acheap violin and change the strings, you need only buy one extra.