I need information to start learning viola.
I need information to start learning viola.
12:08 on Monday, January 26, 2009
Re: I need information to start learning viola.
12:47 on Sunday, March 29, 2009
 rdec (47 points)
I don't play the viola, but, I think that if you practise the viola and violin enough, both at different time, (viola in the morninng, violin in the evning) for example, or you could put a coloured sticker under the strings on your instruments, with a dot where 1st, 2nd and 3rd finger go to help you. Somtimes, just practise your fingering aswell as the peices.
As for the alto clef, thats easy! The alto clef is a 'c' clef, becuase the middle of the clef sighn is on C. So you can work it out from there. The other way, you know the treble and bass clef, well, D on the treble clef is F on the bass clef. So the note on the alto clef is E because it is between the two.
Good Luck!
Re: I need information to start learning viola.
11:52 on Monday, March 30, 2009
Re: I need information to start learning viola.
11:49 on Saturday, May 30, 2009
 Obi-wan-Cannoli (1 point)
Posted by Obi-wan-Cannoli
I personally don't play a violin but I'm pretty sure your practice with a violin should help you play the viola and get a good sound. I personally think its an easy instrument to learn. It is a bit bigger so your fingers shall be stretched slightly longer then usual. Intonation is probably going to be the hardest thing to learn since you already have experience with playing a violin.