13:16 on Friday, February 20, 2009
 RUBBISHtm (1 point)
So I have been playing viola for something like 7 years, and I do love it and plan to stay with it. However, in my school orchestra, the viola section is often forgotten about by the conductor and we don't really learn a ton unless we get a private lesson teacher, which my mum can't really afford right now. Anyway, I'll get to my point. See, when I got into something like my fourth year of playing, I noticed that the violins, cellos, and basses were learning vibrato, and we weren't. Well I rationalized it to myself that there must be some reason for it that the violas were not being taught it and that we would in the near future. Now I am a Sophomore in High School and we are only just learning it, but my school lesson teacher always forgets that we want to learn how. So does anyone have any tips that might help me learn it for myself?
Re: Vibrato?
23:18 on Saturday, March 21, 2009
Re: Vibrato?
17:20 on Tuesday, May 26, 2009