I don't know why there are so many viola jokes or indeed why I get such a kick out of them, but I do!
And just for the record, I adore the viola and violists

Here are some of my favourites:
What's the difference between a viola and a coffin?
The coffin has the dead person on the inside.
How was the canon invented?
Two violists were trying to play the same passage together.
Why do so many people take an instant dislike to the viola?
It saves time.
What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a crushed viola in the road?
-Skid marks before the skunk.
A violist in an orchestra was crying and screaming at the oboe player sitting directly behind him.
The conductor asked, "What are you so upset about?"
The violist replied "The oboist reached over and turned one of the pegs on my viola and now it's all out of tune!"
The conductor asked "Don't you think you're overreacting?"
The violist replied "I'm not overreacting! He won't tell me which one!"
A: "I've got a great violist joke. Would you like to hear it?"
B: "I should let you know first that I am a violist".
A: "That's OK. I'll tell it real slow!"
Why can't you hear a viola on a digital recording?
-Recording technology has reached such an advanced level of development that all extraneous noise is eliminated.
Why shouldn't violists take up mountaineering?
-Because if they get lost, it takes ages before anyone notices that they're missing.
A viola player went to a piano recital.
After the performance he went up to the pianist and said,
"You know, I particularly liked that piece you played last--the one that started with a long trill."
The pianist said, "Huh? I didn't play any pieces that started with trills."
The viola player said, "You know--[he hums the opening bars of Für Elise.]"