BrooklynSinfonie tta
Posted by BrooklynSinfonietta
Hello Violists!
Please forgive my intrusion into your world and this lengthy post but I am writing to let you know of a new and exciting musical opportunity in New York that I hope you will want to be a part of.
The Brooklyn Sinfonietta is a newly created ensemble that hopes to bring members of the New York semi-pro and amateur musical communities together for the purpose of creating fine music whilst enjoying the unique companionship that arises through this process. Modeled on the style of a smaller symphony orchestra, the Sinfonietta will concentrate on performing music from the classical and romantic eras to a consistently high standard, performing in concerts around the city and aiding the local community through artistic efforts. Places in the orchestra will be determined by audition and we plan to meet and rehearse once a week with around 4 concerts per year.
This is a great opportunity to get involved from the start with a group that holds ambitious aims. At this early stage we have vacancies in all sections and I would particularly like to get a strong viola section together, the alto voices that make such a difference to any orchestral sound.
We welcome players of all backgrounds and already have attracted the ex-principal flautist at NYU and graduates from Juilliard and Eastman.
To register your interest or to ask any questions you may have, please get in touch. Reply to this post or drop us an e-mail at:
and tell us a little about your background, musical experience and whether you want to help out in getting this project fully up and running. I think this ensemble has the potential to be something very exciting and I hope you can share my enthusiasm. Additionally, if you know of anyone else who may be interested, please don't hesitate to pass this message on to them.
Warm regards
Tom Ellison