Viola Size vs Sound
Viola Size vs Sound
03:38 on Wednesday, February 9, 2011
 Jugband (4 points)
I have a question about the effect of a viola's size on it's sound.
With a bass, the sizes all sound the same, until you get smaller than half-size. You can listen to a recording of a 1/4 bass, and tell that it's a 1/4, or something smaller than a half-size, anyway.
But there is no difference in tone between a 1/2, 3/4, and 4/4 bass... only a difference in volume.
A 4/4/ bass is louder than an 1/2, but you couldn't tell by listening to a recording WHAT size the bass was; the mastering engineer would have set the bass track at whatever optimum volume for the recording should be, whether that meant boosting or cutting the recorded volume.
So my question is whether or not violas work the same way.
I know that a 16" viola is going to produce more volume than a 14", but is volume the only difference, like with basses?
I play violin, and have been messing around with a viola.
I'm thinking that I might get myself a viola, but a 14" instrument, so I can switch between them without it messing up my intonation to the degree that I found with the larger one.
Re: Viola Size vs Sound
09:11 on Thursday, February 24, 2011
Re: Viola Size vs Sound
02:52 on Saturday, December 3, 2011
Re: Viola Size vs Sound
18:45 on Wednesday, December 14, 2011