21:07 on Monday, June 6, 2011
 mndhild (1 point)
Hello, I am getting married this fall (November) and for my vows I would like to do something different. My fiancée loves listening to me play my viola, even though I do not do it for him very often. What I would like to do, since the place we are getting married at has a projector, is have my vows written out on a power point over the projector while I play a song on my viola. The problem is, I am having problems finding a song. I would like something on the slower side (possible slow-moderate) with a difficulty of mid to advanced. I am looking through the songs on here, but so far nothing has really hit. If you have any suggestions please let me know! I appreciate all the help I can get right now. Oh yea, I would prefer a solo, although I can have a pianist, but again, something that is just me playing. Thank you.
Re: Wedding
19:01 on Friday, June 17, 2011
Re: Wedding
11:04 on Sunday, June 19, 2011